What is it?
- A multi- genre writing piece is when the writer uses more then one way to explain or advertise the topic at hand. Some may use posters or websites and other may use paintings or art.
What to think about when writing a Multi-Genre Guide?
- Audience
- Topic
- Type of genre to use
- How to template
When thinking of what to do with this project I’ve decided to do something new and take the route of talking to an audience that I’m used to and an audience that is completely out of the blue for me. My two audiences consist of the younger generation of the world and present day Artists.
The topic I chose for my Multi-genre Project is Recycling. Why is it so important to talk about recycling? What is recycling? What can we do to help? Recycling is the process of gathering, collecting, and processing materials such as glass, paper, plastic, textile and very recently electronic objects; making them into new products to be used again, instead of having these materials being turned into greenhouse gasses and water pollutants.
The process of choosing my audiences was thinking of the most influential minds around us. My first choice was artists; Artists see the world so differently than an everyday person and use things around them to make pieces of art or functional items. My second choice was the next generation of our society, this audience has a growing mind and absorbs information in many different ways. When learning new things this audience tends to look at them in multiple different ways before making a decision, which will help when it comes to finding new ways to help our earth with recycling!

My ideas for this project tend to fall on the lines of my OpEd project. For my Oped project I choose to talk about Global warming and how it’s affecting our planet, and recycling has a lot to do with greenhouse gases and helping our planet to become a healthy place for us to live.. For my first audience ( artists) I will be creating a poster, advertising a program that teaches people all about art and the art of recycling, by using common recycle colors such as green and white, that we see everyday when throwing out our trash. By using very common and simple text and color this will make sure that the poster is just right to see and not in your face. For my second audience (the next generation) I will be creating an interactive activity for them to take home! This will allow them to have small things they can do while learning all about recycling. This will allow the information to be interesting and fun for them to learn about the process and what we can do as “ the next generation” and what we need to learn about and do to do our part.
Genre Guide