Hello World!
This portfolio is a visual representation of Class English 210 at City College of New York. English 210 was taught to learn about reading, drafting and self-assessments which will grow stronger throughout the semester. It will include projects from throughout the semester!During this Class I expected to learn the basic things about english study like being able to comprehend and being able to write a proper essay using steps. But I have learned a lot more than I expected.
Throughout this class Ive been through the process of learning what an Op-ed, Multi Genre Guide and a Genre Guide is, which in the past I had no knowledge of any of them.
When looking at the courses learning objectives I definitely could say that I have made some progress in learning about some of the topics we have talked about and created with. Many of the projects had to do with making revisions and self-assessment which has been very had for me in the past. Throughout the semester many of the assignments had a step where we needed to analyze our own work, which for me was quite hard, but while doing this I’ve have caught many things in my projects that I could have changed. The process of self-assessment also know as analysis, we had to think about and look for errors that don’t really made sense in our work. For example, most of what I had to revise was mostly punctuation, grammar and sentences that were in the incorrect place or there was no need for them to be in the passage. The way I attacked my problems was by re-writing. Re-writing was something I learned about back in middle school. Once I have wrote what I needed to write, the process was easy, I grabbed another piece of paper and word by word I re-wrote my writing piece. This really helped me by making me be able to take the time to edit my own work.
They were many different types of things that really caught my attention in this class, which included the way we were actually learning. Professor Wood made learning about these certain topics surprisingly fun and interesting. The one this that really stuck with me was learning all about genres! When my professor brought up the idea of working on a project that had to do with genres my head immediately went to types of story genres that everyone would know. But I was wrong, she started to talk about posters, newspapers , and even street signs. At first I was very confused, but as my professor went on and talk about the genres and with some help of my fellow peers, I finally understood what types of “genre” she was talking about. Some of the skills that I want to improve on mostly have to do with punctuation and and grammar. These two topics have always been an issue for me. Sometimes i will ask friends or family to see if i am using my punctuation and grammar correctly ans if not they would type out the right punctuation and grammar and would actually explain why they added a comma or why they took away the quotations. I would still like to work on these things on order to fix these issues on my own, but would need to really study the rules of them.
This class was not only fun but also informative. When walking into class I also knew that I was gonna learn something that would really interest me. One thing that really stood out with me was learning all about the multi-genre topic. When learning about multi-genre we were able to be creative in what we wrote about and how we wanted it to be presented. Some of the skills that I used while creating my multi-genre guide were, being able to pick a reasonable topic, being able to draft correctly, and being able to self-assess my writing. I have been getting better at some of these skills but one of the big ones for me is self assessment. I would like to get better at finding what to take away and correct in my passages. When writing i tend to mix up punctuation and point of views. I’ve tired to work on them during my projects this semester and I seem to be improving. When thinking about my writing from this semester ,one thing I really wanna take away from it is how to prepare a piece. How to template my writing in the correct order.